
Room 7 

11:40 - 12:40 


Talk (60 min)

How computers scribble

Ever wondered how your scribbles on Snapchat turns into a smooth line, or how the pen tool works in Figma or Procreate?


In this talk we'll dive into the invisible art of line-drawing algorithms.

We'll start from the historical pixel-based methods to the tools that we use today, wrapping up with real-world examples.

The techniques described are evergreen, timeless and platform-agnostic.

Alvin Bryan

Alvin is a developer advocate. Before that, he used to be a lead engineer for Dow Jones in the Wall Street Journal and has had various front-end roles. He’s very UX driven and happiest when collaborating with designers and pushing boundaries as a team. He’s learning a lot about DevRel these days and loving it.