
Room 2 

17:40 - 18:40 


Talk (60 min)

How to Make Your Website Not Ugly: Basic UX for Programmers

If you’re a programmer who has ever found themselves inadvertently (perhaps unwillingly!) straddling the line between design and code, this is the talk for you.


Even with zero design training or background, there are numerous small, simple and practical ways you can vastly improve the look and usability of a website. In this talk, we’ll explore 10 of them together, using research and proven solutions to see how the impact as a whole for both clients and users is greater than the sum of its parts.

Hilary Stohs-Krause

Hilary Stohs-Krause is a senior software engineer at Red Canary. She volunteers regularly with several tech and community organizations, including as an organizer for Madison Women in Tech and board member for Forward Fest, Wisconsin's largest tech and entrepreneurship festival.

She loves board games and bourbon barrel-aged stouts. She’ll read any fantasy or sci-fi she can get her hands on.