
Room 18 

09:00 - 17:00 


2 Days

Carl Franklin's Blazor Workshop

Blazor is not only new and amazing, but it's also evolving. Carl introduces Blazor and gives you the boost you need to be productive immediately when writing Blazor apps.


This 2-day workshop includes topics such as Binding, Generic Components, State Management, Layout, Routing, Navigation, Data Access, Persisting Data Client-Side with IndexedDB, Input Validation, Streaming with gRPC and Web API, Modal Dialogs, SignalR, JavaScript Interop, Authentication and Authorization, Self-Aware Components, and much more.

Carl Franklin

Carl Franklin is Executive Vice President of App vNext, a software development firm focused on the latest methodologies and technologies. Carl is a 20+ year veteran of the software industry, co-host and founder of .NET Rocks!, the first and most widely listened to podcast for .NET developers, He is also a Microsoft MVP, host of the BlazorTrain YouTube series (, and Senior Executive of Pwop Studios, a full-service audio and video production/post production studio located in Southeastern Connecticut.