Room 5
16:20 - 17:20
Talk (60 min)
From Ballots to Code: Exploring Election Security
Digital systems are integral parts of elections in Norway and elsewhere. Are they secure? Can we audit the systems? Can we audit the Norwegian elections on paper? Should Norway introduce electronic voting machines?
Democracy is at stake. Should we outsource democracy to the machines? As a professional, you should know a thing or two about election security and the election process.
In this talk, Hallvard will dive into the Norwegian election. How it works. What safeguards there are and what weaknesses he finds. The last couple of elections he's been hard at work collecting data and generally poking around.
Experienced from the world of ethical hacking through responsible disclosure, he has had a security mindset on while exploring, finding and reporting on election security. The reporting and also complaints to election officials aims to raise security awareness and harden the Norwegian election against attacks.