Room 6
13:40 - 14:40
Talk (60 min)
Lightning Talks 1
Lightning talks (approx 10-15 minutes each)
Talk 1: Pseudorandom Pleasures - Stian Veum Møllersen
When we're working with computer generated graphics we're usually looking for an element of unpredictability. To make things more interesting and natural. It just so happens that humans are really bad at making random choices. Fortunatly, computers are really good at making random choices. Almost too good.
A happy middle would really be preferable. Something between the predictability of humans and the total chaos of noise. A predictable noise if you will. This is where pseudorandomness comes into play.
This short talk is an introduction to ways to generate predictable noise and how you can harness it to make fun things.
Talk 2: Code Play Repeat: How to learn any Programming Language - May Beisaron
In this talk, I will share the method that revolutionised my ability to learn new programming languages, transforming me from someone who struggles with 5-minute YouTube tutorials into a developer who is continuously learning new languages: C, Go, Javascript and even Clojure. Join me to discover how you can also learn new programming languages while having fun at every step of the journey.
Talk 3: Art and Method between Scylla and Charybdis - Maja Maria Dawn Jaakson
What happens when you dust off your books on Nietzsche and Ancient Greek theatre, read the Wikipedia articles for them instead, and then put together a talk on development practices based on your “scholarly investigation”? Come find out at Maja’s lighthearted talk, where she will irresponsibility muse aloud about high art, sea monsters, Greek gods, and the balance we strike when doing our best dev work.
Talk 4: Why Less Code Isn’t Always Better - Tom Rune Sæverås
Have you ever come across a piece of code that's been "optimized" so much that it is impossible to read?
Let’s talk about the fine line between making code efficient and turning it into a cryptic mess. I’ll share some funny examples of code that’s been boiled down to one-liners or clever tricks that look cool... until you try to figure out what they actually do. In this quick talk, we’ll explore why readable code is sometimes better than the "simplified" version, and how to strike a balance between elegance and clarity.