Room 6
15:00 - 16:00
Talk (60 min)
Progressive Delivery with Observability
Build, test, and deploy can be a bloody nightmare. So we try in non-production environments and hold our breath, hoping that everything is okay when we push our deployments to production. When it’s not okay, we waste time mimicking a fake production environment. What if I told you we had a way to monitor our production systems based on the data we receive from them?**cough** Observability **cough**
In this session walk through, step-by-step, optimizing each element of your application stack to shed a light into those dark places. Let’s ask questions about our production systems, allow the data to report back, and answer the question, “is it safe to continue?” Using data-driven decisions in our CI/CD workflows lets us breathe easy “knowing” what’s in front of us.