
Room 3 

17:40 - 18:40 


Talk (60 min)

Vanilla Web: You Don't Need that Library

Do we always need the latest library for every project?


This session invites you to embrace simplicity and speed with Vanilla JS, modern browser APIs, and powerful server architectures.

Learn how to create feature-rich web apps using pure JavaScript and browser APIs—no dependencies needed. We'll explore foundational features like Web Components, Shadow DOM, and client-side routing, as well as how to leverage static site generators for certain projects.

Rediscover the joy of building fast, maintainable apps with a "vanilla" approach.

Maximiliano Firtman

Maximiliano Firtman is a mobile and web developer, trainer, speaker, and author of 14 books, including latest titles "Hacking Web Performance" (O'Reilly Media) and "Learn PWA!" (Google). A frequent speaker at international conferences, he's a recognized figure in the mobile and web community. Maximiliano has created over 35 web and app development courses for platforms like Frontend Masters, Pluralsight and LinkedIn Learning, and teaches workshops on a range of topics including mobile (Android, iOS), web app development, performance, and applied AI.