
Room 3 - Level 4 

11:40 - 12:40 


Talk (60 min)

Design Good Schemas - Get a Better Database

Table schemas in relational databases have a huge impact on your future performance and ability to maintain your application. In a world of CI/CD this is amplified since it can hold back your deployments and flexibility.

Big Data

So how do you design tables that serve your applications well? Is normalization to the Nth degree sufficient? Can't I just throw an index on a table and get good performance? Just develop a POCO/POJO and let your ORM take care of it? (No, no, and no!)

In this session, you'll find out how to step up your schema-design game by adopting a relational mentality. The session will cover aspects of modeling, mapping models to tables, and all the way down to data types and fields.

Nuri Halperin

Nuri Halperin is a software architect, speaker, and author. He helps companies design scalable systems, websites, and business applications. He’s been turning projects into success stories for a variety of clients for over 2 decades.

He authored of several courses. He's also a Microsoft MVP alum, a MongoDB Champions member, and recipient of MongoDB's William Zola Award for Community Excellence. He enjoys tinkering with Arduinos, 3D printing, and robotics.