
Room 5 

11:40 - 12:40 


Talk (60 min)

Eventuous: Event Sourcing with .NET

Alexey created Eventuous with the intention to make Event Sourcing accessible for .NET developers. Eventuous implements numerous building blocks based on years of experience building production-grade event-sourced systems.


Although by far not complete, it provides a solid foundation for either people who are already familiar with Event Sourcing or developers who consider using the pattern but are not sure how to start. The session is mainly a live-coding demo of what Eventuous has to offer at its core. You will see a small event-sourced application built from scratch, and get a gist of what other things you can do with the library.

Alexey Zimarev

Alexey is CEO of Ubiquitous AS, Developer advocate for Event Store, Chief Architect in ABAX and the author of “Hands-on Domain-Driven Design with .NET Core” book.

His particular interests are in event-driven architectures, domain-driven design, distributed systems, and event-sourcing. Alexey contributes to open-source software as a member of MassTransit and Proto.Actor projects, and a maintainer of RestSharp. He manages the Domain-Driven Design Norway meetup group and speaks at technical conferences.

Follow Alexey on Twitter at @Zimareff.