Room 7
15:00 - 16:00
Talk (60 min)
From Ok-ish to Outstanding: How any team can become a high-performing one
Most software engineering teams operate far below their capabilities. They perform okay, good enough, or average. But what if any team can reach higher productivity, joy, and excellence?
In this session, we will discover why most teams do not use their full potential and what every one of us can do to lead our teams toward high performance and engineering excellence.
We will explore specific practices you can adopt immediately to make a difference and activities to do with your team to uncover real potential and create an environment of motivation and excitement.
High-performing teams are real, but few engineers know what working in such a team means.
Not only can you achieve more, but you also will enjoy your work more. And all that without pressure, control, or micro-management but through creating an environment that excites, motivates and enables your team.
Disclaimer: This session goes beyond the standard agile practices and methods and goes back to the roots of high performance and teamwork.