
Room 7 

15:00 - 16:00 


Talk (60 min)

How to deliver continuously

I’ve deployed to production daily for over a decade. In this talk I will show you the techniques and practices that enables me and my team to truly embody “continuous delivery”. There will be live coding!


Research shows that continuous integration and continuous delivery lead to increased velocity, improved quality, and happier developers. CI/CD is not a tool chain, however. So how do we get there? Trunk based development, feature toggles, automated builds, and pair/mob programming instead of flinging pull requests at each other. I’ll show you how, with practical examples.

Christian Johansen

I build software for fun and profit. Frontend, backend, and infrastructure are all part of my job, and I enjoy building features across the whole stack. I have committed to main (master) and pushed directly to production for more than 10 years, and have lots of opinions on how to build software efficiently.