
Room 6 

13:40 - 14:40 


Talk (60 min)

Introduction to the Zig Programming Language

Zig is a new systems programming language designed to interoperate seamlessly with C and to provide a strictly better programming experience than C, but without compromising on efficiency. Zig has no macros and no hidden control flow to make software easier to maintain, it has a state of the art compile time execution system to implement generics and more advanced metaprogramming without introducing special syntax into the language. While still young, Zig has already a dedicated non-profit foundation and is able to pay core contributors for working on the language. In this talk I will present not only the language but also the open source project as a whole from my perspective of VP of Community.

Open Source

Loris Cro

Hi, I'm Loris! I'm VP of Community at the Zig Software Foundation and the creator and host of Zig SHOWTIME. I believe in creating software that you can love.