
Room 7 

17:40 - 18:40 


Talk (60 min)

It’s Your Decision. Where Do You Want to Take Your Career?

Software developers have a choice. Do you want to continue your career on a technical path? Or are you thinking about advancing into a leadership position? Let’s have some fun with this and construct an algorithm to help you decide!


We’ll look at the variables, your preferences, and then you will be able to evaluate the alternatives with a clear-eyed vision for the future.

Leslie Martinich

Leslie Martinich began her career as a software engineer for compilers, operating systems, and communication and networking software. She designed and architected Remote Procedure Call Technology (RPC). She is an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer and has presented research at the IEEE Education Society Conferences as well as International Technology Management Conferences. Her first professional presentation, in 1991, was at NetWare/Interop Developers Conference, with an audience of 700 developers. Since then she has spoken at conferences and events on every continent except Antarctica, on technology leadership.
Her keynote topics are “Diversity: Superpower for Productivity” and “How Can I Drive My Team to Deliver on Time Without Driving Them Nuts? Leadership, Deadlines, and Schedules, OH MY!”