
Room 2 

13:40 - 14:40 


Talk (60 min)

Lightning Talks

Lightning talks (approx 10-15 minutes each)

Software Design
Work Skills
Open Source

Talk 1: A bouquet of good and bad advice for young talents - Elin Brusberg

Things I wish that someone told me earlier in my career so I could ignore it


Talk 2: Hidden features in MS Paint - Marianne Melhoos

In many cases, it can be easier to have something visual to look at when discussing solutions, whether it is a screenshot or a visual sketch. MS Paint is a tool that many people have come across at some point, but maybe not everyone knows the true potential of this small piece of ancient software. In this lightning talk I will speak about why Paint is my preferred drawing tool for my job as a developer and reveal some of its hidden features. Maybe I can show you something you did not know before?


Talk 3: Sami stopwords - How far have we gotten and why does it matter? - Espen Klem

• What are stopwords
• What does the work with stopword-sami consist of
• NRK as a text source and how to improve the stopword lists over time. Manual work, redlists and content crawling.
• Solutions a stopword list can help you create: search engines, chatbots, plagiarism detection, sentiment analysis and other machine learning solutions.
• Demo North Sami stopword list to show what simple linguistic understanding can do


Talk 4: Green Code 2020 - Anders Norås

Green computing is always about energy efficient servers, hardware without hazardous materials and other things that appeal to hardware buffs. Cloud computing is great, but what else can us programmers do to help the environment?
Back in 2010, Anders showed us how to be eco-friendly through writing better code and smarter business logic in his NDC lightning talk Green Code.

Now ten years later, at dawn of the decade where the world needs to deliver on the UN Sustainability Goals, Anders revisits his 2010 presentation to explore how we programmers can contribute to eco-friendliness by writing better code and designing better software.

Elin Brusberg

About me:
Worked as a developer for many years, sadly not a lot of time left for coding now, but I am still very much involved in the technical solutions. I spend most of my days supporting the team and working long term on our technical and resource strategy.
On occasions lucky to share my experience with a wider audience, such as this.

Marianne Melhoos

Marianne Melhoos is a full stack developer working at Webstep and based in Oslo. She graduated from NTNU in Trondheim with a master of science in 2016 and have been working with various technologies within web, backend and cloud since. Beside work she is the manager of TENK (the technology network for women) who organize a technology summer camps for young girls in Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim. On her freetime she likes to cook, knit and do burpees at the gym.

Espen Klem

Worked with web development for 26 years. As a web designer, frontene coder and interaction designer. Now turning more and more towards JavaScript programmer.

Anders Norås

Originally educated in arts and design, Anders has spent the last twenty years writing code.

He has given numerous talks and keynotes at conferences such as JavaZone, NDC, J-Fall, Øredev and many more. Have given 100+ conference talks to a variety of audiences including media, design and hardcore computer science. Known for an energetic and highly engaging presentations.