
Room 3 

15:00 - 16:00 


Talk (60 min)

Message processing failed! But what's the root cause?

How do you investigate failures in a distributed system? If your first thought is to look at the call stack, then good luck... In a distributed system, there is no such thing as a single call stack! Instead, it is scattered across multiple services that tackle a specific concern and communicate through a continuous stream of messages that flow through the system. That call stack becomes a haystack, so how do you find the proverbial needle?


Luckily, there are techniques and tools to regain the overview we lost. In this session, we'll look at modeling techniques, integration testing, and a deep dive into instrumentation with OpenTelemetry to help create visibility into your entire distributed system. And even if you're not (yet) using messaging in your architecture, you'll walk away with concrete takeaways around system observability that you can use in other architectures as well.

Laila Bougria

Laila Bougria is a Solutions Architect and Engineer with over 15 years of experience in the Microsoft .NET space. She's a keynote speaker, a Microsoft Azure MVP, and frequently shares her knowledge and insights at conferences worldwide. Currently, Laila is busy building NServiceBus at Particular Software and solving distributed riddles. When she's not immersed in complex problems or code, Laila enjoys indulging in her favorite pastime - knitting! She finds that tangling the yarn into beautiful patterns helps untangle her thoughts.