
Room 3 

10:20 - 11:20 


Talk (60 min)

Shrink The Web: How To Get Happier By Removing Crap

Websites have doubled in size every three years. For reasons both understandable and idiotic, web developers continue to create bigger and more complicated web projects, and now your node folder is mining bitcoin and the average web page is bigger than the 1993 video game DOOM. This is a trend we can change. 🐁 Let's shrink the web!


In this high-energy talk, we’re going to be looking at some easy wins for performance improvements like image optimization and JavaScript concatenation, that can actually make your users’ life better. In addition, we’re going to explore some very friendly process tools for doing all of that without days of editing config files.

Because a small website is an easy website, and an easy website means you can go home earlier.

Lemon 🍋

With a lifelong passion for the weirdness of the internet and a day job as the Front End Development Director for Savas Labs, Lemon spends his professional time making websites for money and his free time making websites for no money.

He's created a number of stupid things for the internet, like all the games on, the wikiHow game, the Google Autocomplete game, and a bunch of other things of questionable use. He also hosts a podcast that looks at some of the internet's weirder subcultures. It is not safe for your work, unless you work somewhere really cool.