Room 7
16:20 - 17:20
Talk (60 min)
The Tech Lead Elevator: Real Stories and Hard Lessons
In the crazy fast-paced world of IT (thanks AI for making it even worse!), the journey to becoming a senior developer or a tech lead is filled with both funny and challenging experiences. This talk will shed some light on the core aspects of seniority, the importance of questioning and understanding project requirements, and the “art” of effective communication across “tech” and “business”.
Through real stories and painful experiences, we'll look at what you can do to make your life and the life of your team members easier, avoiding traps set by “business” and gracefully navigating through the muddy waters in the messy IT world. I will share strategies and tips that I learned the hard way, that can save you a lot of mental health and lead to increased productivity for you and your team.
Join me as I share insights from the trenches working 18+ years in mid-sized IT companies.