
Room 1 

15:00 - 16:00 


Talk (60 min)

What's new in C#? Exciting new features in C# 8.0 and 9.0

With every iteration of C#, we get more and more features that are meant to make our lives as developer a lot easier. Let's explore what's new in C# 8 and 9! We will look at how the language has changed and why these changes to the language will make us better C# developers, with less bugs in our code. We will cover the following features: - Nullable reference types - Pattern Matching in C# 8 and the updates made to it in C# 9 - Record types - Top level programs/statements - Init only & new()


Filip Ekberg

Filip is the author of C# Smorgasbord and over 20 Pluralsight courses, speaker at events and user groups around the globe, Microsoft MVP for 11 years in a row. He loves teaching fellow developers how to master all things C# and .NET.