Genette is a 24-year-old girl who is a student at the University of Stavanger and a former professional athlete. As a young kid, Genette entered the male-dominated sport motocross and was an active ride in the world championship from 2013-to 2018. In her carrier, she has achieved remarkable results. She has multiple national gold medals and many nordic awards and was ranked as the 5th fastest rider in the world championship in 2015. As a tribute to her achievements, she was given the honors of motorsport athlete of the year, female motorsport athlete of the year, and motorcycle rider of the year.
At the age of 20-years-old, her sports carrier took an abrupt end due to a complicated injury.
After a long sports carrier, Genette became a full-time computer technology student. For the time being, she is finding her way into the business world and different board positions. She works as a business consultant trainee at Cegal, has a position as a project manager in Hubify, and is a marketing mentor in the Norwegian motorsport federation. Alongside being a full-time student, Genette has taken her enthusiasm into several board positions. She has taken the role as a student representative in the University board and as a leader of the line association for electrical- and computer engineering.