
Room 1 

09:00 - 17:00 


2 Days

Modern distributed systems with gRPC in ASP.NET Core 6

gRPC is a high-performance, cross-platform framework for building distributed systems and APIs. It’s an ideal choice for communication between microservices, internal network applications, or mobile devices and services. With the release of ASP.NET Core 5, Microsoft has added first-class support for creating gRPC services. This workshop will help you get started building, deploying and managing gRPC servers and clients on multiple platforms.


Technologies covered

ASP.NET Core 6, gRPC, Protobuf, Visual Studio, .NET CLI, Docker, Kubernetes, services meshes, monitoring, distributed tracing

Day 1: Building gRPC applications in ASP.NET Core

  • Introduction to Protobuf and gRPC
  • gRPC in ASP.NET Core 6
    • gRPC servers
    • gRPC clients
  • Request/Reply services
  • Streaming services
    • Server-streaming
    • Client-streaming
    • Bidirectional streaming
  • Migrating WCF applications to gRPC

Day 2: Security, Deployment and Observability

  • gRPC’s security model
    • Channel authentication with TLS
    • Call authentication with tokens
  • Running gRPC services in production
    • Self-hosted
    • Docker
    • Kubernetes
    • Service mesh (using Linkerd as an example)
  • Observability and monitoring
    • gRPC Health checks
    • Distributed tracing


Attendees will be expected to be familiar with .NET and C#.

Computer Setup

Bring a laptop with the following installed:

  • Visual Studio 2022 or JetBrains Rider EAP or VS Code
  • .NET 6
  • Docker Desktop with Kubernetes enabled

Rendle .

Rendle is the founder of RendleLabs, which provides consulting services and workshops to .NET development teams across all industries. Their particular obsessions are API design and development, performance, Observability and code-base modernisation, as well as eliminating unnecessary complexity wherever possible. They also use skills acquired during a few years as a professional stand-up comic to deliver entertaining and informative talks at conferences around the world, and recently learned to play bass so they could join tech parody band The LineBreakers.