Room 4
16:20 - 17:20
Talk (60 min)
Victory instinct and mental strength
With a background as a top athlete in motocross, Genette Våge will take us on a journey, explaining which opportunities a sports career can lead to.
Genette Våge, 24, had an abrupt end to a promising sports career when she was 20 years old. Before her career ended, she had built up a professional motocross team of 18 people. In addition to her focus on the sport, Genette had to make many independent decisions that later turned out to positively affect her way into the business world.
In this session, Genette systematically goes through episodes that appear in a life of an athlete, which can easily be linked to challenges that can arise for a student in computer technology or an employee in general.
The focus will be on handling mental challenges that we can face in a demanding everyday life. Being able to handle difficult situations can often make a big difference in the outcome of the decisions made.
The sports career often gave Genette significant challenges. She was a young girl in a male-dominated sport where she often had to arrange and negotiate contracts by herself. Motocross is also a sport where you constantly push boundaries and operate outside your comfort zone.
Furthermore, she shows how it is possible to bring self-confidence, the feeling of mastery, and the belief in results from the racing experiences into the business world.
The lecture is relevant to today's requirements for doing the little extra in a challenging working life and has a relatively intense nerve, as motocross is considered the world's most demanding sport.
This lection will take you through:
- How to step outside your comfort zones to develop yourself?
- How to constantly challenge yourself by continually learning from others?
- How to mentally deal with different challenges one comes across?
Genette uses music and film to convey her message about all the opportunities after an educational sports career.